Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Salamanders 2nd Tactical Squad ''Lava''

Oh so happy! I' m tired from work, hungry, but really happy because the second tactical squad for my salamander project is finished.

I mainly used the lovely models from the Assault on black reach boxed set. Cheap, plastic and decent models. A veteran sergeant from the Sternguard Veterans boxed set and finaly the spare multi melta bits from the plastic devastator boxed set on an old plastic space marine model.

The AOBR models are ideal for anyone looking to start with a 750 points army. Now, I have set a new unit for this project. A terminator assault squad using the terminator bodies of the AOBR box and spare thunder hammers and lightning claws taken from the bit box or failed projects box.

So await to watch more models soon.



  1. Hey, stumbled across your blog and I gotta say you have some excellently painted models here. Nice job on the Salamanders here. I'm working on my Salamanders also (sparingly) but would like to achieve an effect that you have going on with your squad. I'll be checking back often to see your progress. Nice post.

  2. Thank you traveller from the far jungles of lustria.I wish you luck with your project.Thanks for looking

  3. Very nice. That combi-melta is awesome.

  4. Thank you Antipope.Hey what happened to your projects?

  5. BTW, if you don't mind, I'd like to add a link to your blog from mine. Let me know if this is cool. I'd like to keep checking on your progress so it seems logical. Holla.

  6. please do Sir!I follow your site already.those lizzards are awesome.

  7. Thanks a lot man! Added!
