Monday, 12 August 2013


That was a pleasant surpise! I wasn't able to resist and bought the Executioner Lord! The model is absolutely fantastic.Well believe it or not I found a FineCast model without ANY blemish! Good Job Games Workshop, keep it up!
The model itself has a mohawk head. It reminds me a U.S. Marine and I found it really hard to replace it. You see the Angels Sanguine Fluff clearly states that a really small number of astartes are allowed to show their faces to non Angels Sanguine personel. My collection has already two bearheaded marines and I think that is enough for now.
So I replaced the head with a hooded one! The model now looks really menacing! I really like it better!!!


  1. Menacing fellow! He gives a bit of a dark character which I really like.

    Fantastic conversion, it is subtle but makes a huge difference!

  2. Totally agree...the hood really gives the model a whole new look!Great job!

  3. Thanks guys!I am glad you like it!
